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The Mitzvah Tank.

A staple of Chabad Lubavitch Outreach in the 21st century.

Instituted by the Lubavitcher Rebbe as the ultimate display of “turning darkness into light” by using the very concept and means initially created for harm and destruction, to instead bring more life, light, love and goodness into the world.

Each year on Yud Aleph Nissan, a parade of “Mitzvah Tanks” take to the streets of New York City to spread the joy of Judaism with the masses.

This Yud Aleph Nissan, as we celebrate the 120th birthday of our Rebbe, let’s unite to make this monumental parade something the world won’t soon forget.

It’s no secret that current events have much of the world on edge. Let’s combat “Tanks for Tanks” the way we all know how, with increasing a little bit of light, joy and goodness in the world by way of 120 Mitzvah Tanks.

Help us achieve what is sure to be a beautiful gift to the Rebbe on this, his 120th birthday, by donating towards this cause.

Better still, make sure your family or community is adequately represented in this grand “120 Tank Parade” by reserving YOUR tank today! Commit to a tank, raise the necessary funds from your friends and family, and join the largest Mitzvah Tank parade in history!

LIVE: Yud Alef Nissan 120 Mitzvah Tank Parade – Tuesday 10:30 AM


The Mitzvah Tank. A staple of Chabad Lubavitch Outreach in the 21st century. Instituted by the Lubavitcher Rebbe as the ultimate display of “turning darkness into light” by using the very concept and means initially created for harm and destruction, to instead bring more life, light, love and goodness into the world. Each year…


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