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Klal Yisroel is facing an eis tzarah! We need zechusim, we need powerful tefillos to work on our behalf. And we need comfort – a mother’s embrace, an eternal promise that this galus will not last forever. That our pain, as throbbing as it is, is only temporary. That one day all of this will be over and we will come home.

This Thursday. 11 Cheshvon is the Yahrtzeit of Mame Rachel. But, as much as our hearts yearn to be with our mama, we can’t go to Kever Rochel. Due to serious security concerns, access to Kever Rochel, our source of solace and comfort, will be very limited to the very people who so desperately seek a place to pour out the pain of our collective heart.

Yud Aleph Cheshvan, the yahrtzeit of Mama Rochel is quickly approaching. But even with the doors of Kever Rochel closed , the holy avreichim of Mosdos Kever Rochel will be at the kever around the clock on the yahrtzeit. For 24 hours a day, Mosdos Kever Rachel has a a year-round kollel at the kever and provides free food and drinks for visitors from around the world.
They are davening on our behalf, pleading with our mama to intercede for us in shamayim.

For 24 hours a day, Mosdos Kever Rachel has a a year-round kollel at the kever and provides free food and drinks for visitors from around the world. Yidden all over the globe will be able to send their kvittelach to be placed at Mamme Rachel’s kever.

Mosdos Kever Rachel relies heavily on the visitors from around the world for the Yahrtzeit to cover their steep operating budget. However, due to the current situation and the closure of the kever for the yahrtzeit, the Mosad has to find other ways to sustain itself for this coming winter. By donating today you are sending a message to Mosdos Kever Rachel and Mamme Rachel that “we will not leave you alone”.

Send your kvittel now

Mama, Don’t Stop Crying! LAST CHANCE!

Send your Kvittel now Klal Yisroel is facing an eis tzarah! We need zechusim, we need powerful tefillos to work on our behalf. And we need comfort – a mother’s embrace, an eternal promise that this galus will not last forever. That our pain, as throbbing as it is, is only temporary. That one…


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