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VIN News – Fleishmans, NY – While those in the immediate New York vicinity are breathing a sigh of relief and beginning to assess the damage that Hurricane Irene left in her wake, those further up north are still experiencing Irene’s fury.

Massive flooding has hit Fleishmann’s New York, located approximately 140 miles north of New York City in upstate Delaware County, with a local lake overflowing onto Main Street. Leah Stern, a Borough Park woman in her seventies, is trapped in the Valkyrian Motel which was literally uprooted and is floating down Main Street which is flooded and covered by several feet of water.

“Everyone was evacuated at approximately 8 AM this morning,” said vacationing Brooklyn resident Sara Weiss in an exclusive interview with VIN News. “Mrs. Stern’s husband managed to get out of the motel, but for some reason she was not able to. We heard her yelling for help, but haven’t heard her voice at all in the last half hour.”

The motel is reportedly starting to come apart and Coast Guard has been called in to the area. The public is requested to say Tehillim for Leah Rivka bas Faiga.

Over twenty five families with children were evacuated from area motels on Main Street to the Satmar Boys Camp which is located on higher ground in Armstrong Park. Fifty boys from the camp who were being housed in area motels were also evacuated safely to the camp.

All 200 boys in the camp are reportedly accounted for and Rabbi Moshe Yisroel Freilach has been keeping everything under control at the camp using a microphone system that was hooked up for the storm.

“It is pretty dramatic here,” said Mrs. Weiss. “There are trees floating everywhere and we still have heavy rains.”

Massive Flooding in Fleishmans, NY

VIN News – Fleishmans, NY – While those in the immediate New York vicinity are breathing a sigh of relief and beginning to assess the damage that Hurricane Irene left in her wake, those further up north are still experiencing Irene’s fury. Massive flooding has hit Fleishmann’s New York, located approximately 140 miles north of…

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