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With the completion of the 13th cycle of the Daf Yomi, Jews worldwide are celebrating the completion of Shas, we are reminded of another special Siyum HaShas we had the honor to participate in. This past February, at the annual A Time Shas-A-Thon. Two of the most popular singers in the history of Jewish music sat alongside hundreds of Jews from all walks of life, to learn and finish the entire Shas in one day. Upon its completion the crowd was treated to a special and memorable performance by MBD and Avraham Fried, alongside the always fabulous Shira Choir and The Freilach Band. The crowd was spellbound as they joined in song and dance, watching MBD & Fried sing some of each other’s most iconic songs, some of which they haven’t sung in many years.

Join us as we take a walk down memory, enjoy as we pay tribute to the greatest of Jewish music. Clap and sing along we know you know all these tunes!

Music by: Freilach Band/Avrumi Schreiber
Arranged by: Tzvi Blumenfeld
Choir: Shira Choir/ Conducted by Yoely Horowitz
Mixed & Mastered by: Chaim Gottesman
Engineer: Ari Carasso
Live Sound: Solvetech
Live Sound Engineer: Eli Lishinsky
Event Coordination: I. Schnitz
Stage Manager: Moshe Sonnenschein
Video by: Motty Engel
Additional footage by: Reel to Reel & Studio on Dot
Public Relations: I & Me Media

Composition Credits:
00:00 Freilach Opener
00:18 Nisht Gedaaget – Yossi Green
02:59 Ribono Shel Olam – Mona Rosenblum
04:53 Neshomeleh – Abie Rottenberg
06:10 Memories – Abie Rottenberg
07:38 Ich Hub Gevart – R Yom Tov Erlich
09:03 Share D’muois – Anchie Friedman
10:38 Lonely People – Ken Burgess
12:25 Aleh Katan – Yishai Lapidot
13:06 Unity – MBD and Sheya Mendlowitz
15:14 Hinei Ma Tov – Yishai Lapidot
16:20 Chazak – Moshe Laufer
17:06 Maaminim – MBD and Mona Rosenblum

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Copyright 2020 by Freilach Band – All rights reserved.

MBD & Fried: Together Again – The Freilach Band & Shira Choir ShasAThon 2019/5779


With the completion of the 13th cycle of the Daf Yomi, Jews worldwide are celebrating the completion of Shas, we are reminded of another special Siyum HaShas we had the honor to participate in. This past February, at the annual A Time Shas-A-Thon. Two of the most popular singers in the history of Jewish music…

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