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This beautiful new melody “Yes Or No at Atuh Chonein’
was composed by world renown Hershy Weinberger as the first single release of an amazing album to come soon with songs on the words we say every day when we Daven Shemonah Esrei, to be released by Harav Meir Duvid Farkas.

Harav Meir Duvid is not just another Singer and Performer, or just a good Chazan. after years of being a renown Baal Tfilah he had in mind to bring us an awareness what means Tefilah, by releasing songs with Yiddish Lyrics on parts of the Shemona Esrei that we Daven 3 times a day.

Hashem gave us the opportunity to speak to him as much as you want in every minute of the day you can just talk to Hashem and ask him in every aspect of life, but sometimes with sadness you forget to talk, so had the leaders of Klal Yisroel the Anshei Kneses Hagdoila created 3 official times in the day when we Daven to him, and this is the biggest gift we could’ve ever goten, because when we Daven to him and we mean it we can ask whatever we want, should you just understand what you say and what you are asking from our father in heaven the king of all kings, when you asks for Wealth, Money, Children and whatever it should be – for that reason Harav Meir Duvid actually had in his first album called ‘Tzadikim’ (Released back in 2016) 3 songs on this topic – now he continues his journey by bringing us this song, as he explains us what we ask in the Brucha of Atuh Chonein.

We ask Hashem to give us the right mind to make the right decisions as we approach so many difficult situations day after day and don’t know what is the right decision to make, thats why and what we ask from Hashem our father to help us with.

Harav Meir Duvid also drops this as a pre- release to the full “Shemona Esrei Album” currently in the works!

Harav Meir Duvid reached out to producer Motti Gantz to get him this project out to the world on the most honorable level possible, as always Harav Meir Duvid searches for the right composer to be able to create the right song that will speak to the persons soul and in the same time deliver the right message straight to the mind, this time Harav Meir Duvid picked talented Hershy Weinberger and sat down with him on the composition and they created something out of our world, and then Meir Duvid wanted to add up this beautiful part at the end of which Mona Rosenblum had composed and released years ago, and that gets the song a bit more an uplifting feel at its finish. Harav Meir Duvid still wanted some more touch to it, So they added the sweet voice of his son ‘Shimon Farkas’ (Also had some solo parts on the Tzadikim album) for some small solo’s and with that you get to hear this final incredible product!

Produced by: Motti Gantz.
Composed by: Hershy Weinberger & Mona Rosenblum.
Music Arranged by: Shimmy Strohli.
Mixed & Mastered: Shimmy Strohli.
Cover Design: Arrange It Media.
YouTube Write-up: Yossi Shick.

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די פרשה פון וואקסינען וועמען צו הערן
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,ווילסט וויסן יא צו ניין
,בעט ביי אתה חונן
חננו מאתך חכמה בינה ודעת

Meir Duvid Farkas – Yes Or No At Ato Chonein | מאיר דוד פארקאש – יא אדער ניין ביי אתה חונן


This beautiful new melody “Yes Or No at Atuh Chonein’ was composed by world renown Hershy Weinberger as the first single release of an amazing album to come soon with songs on the words we say every day when we Daven Shemonah Esrei, to be released by Harav Meir Duvid Farkas. Harav Meir Duvid is…


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