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It has always been the story of the heimishe community. As we grow and flourish, we branch out to new communities to sustain our communities and further expand. As we constantly search for areas with affordable housing, where the heimishe community can thrive, the search has now expanded past the tri-state area, due to the high cost of land and harsh winter weather prevalent in those areas. Lakefront Estates is pioneering a new development in Okeechobee. Florida, heralding new vistas in the future of the community.

Florida is the perfect location, since it boasts a number of unique advantages. Firstly, Florida is a conservative state, more in-line with heimishe values. On a practical note, property taxes in Florida are relatively low, and there is no income tax, which translates into significant savings. Chinuch is bolstered by robust state tuition voucher programs, and the state of Florida is known to respect the right to religion and private education, in stark contrast to the current political climate in New York and New Jersey. Furthermore, Florida’s beautiful climate means a much more pleasant and comfortable lifestyle, with sunny skies and gentle breezes.

#LakefrontEstates is being developed in a way tailor-made to the heimishe olam. It boasts large airy homes with high-quality construction, designed to fit the unique needs of a heimishe family. Prices are very affordable, making home ownership within reach for many priced out of the tri-state area. Lakefront Estates will have its very own girl’s school all the way to high school, a cheder, yeshiva, kollel, shul, and mikvah, all spearheaded and led by experienced individuals. Furthermore, there is a large shopping center for convenient shopping, as well as a commercial business center, and of course, beautiful playgrounds for the children to enjoy. Employment opportunities abound, ensuring a source of parnassah to Lakefront residents. It may seem too good to be true, but already plans, building, and funding are firmly in place, paving the way for a strong and successful launch. Responsible real estate investors are backing the project, which is driven by a mission to build a thriving heimishe community. To ensure optimum success, Lakefront Estates will only open the development and the mosdos once there are 150 committed families,who will benefit from even more affordable pricing.

In this video, the pioneers of Lakefront Estates enjoy a roundtable discussion.

In order for a community to have a solid foundation, both gashmiyus and ruchniyus yesodos must be present. R’ Yakov Yosef Moskowitz compares the pioneering of Lakefront Estates to Yakov Avinu sending Yehuda ahead to Mitzrayim to establish a “house of learning.” He acknowledges that building a new community is a huge responsibility; many factors have to work out, and a hefty dose of siyata dishmaya is needed for such an undertaking to be a practical and ruchniusdik success. To ensure a community with around-the-clock Kol Torah, R’ Moskowitz has taken the achrayus to establish a kehillah, mosdos, minyanim, a variety of Torah shiurim throughout the day and evening, kollelim, and shtieblach. With much Siyata Dishmaya, the community will be appropriate for heimishe families in all aspects. Simultaneously, Jeff Ackerman, the developer of Lakefront Estates, shares that they plan to construct a full-service community with hundreds, and eventually thousands, of spacious homes, in a peaceful neighborhood surrounded by nature. The community will accommodate the needs of frum families with all amenities, including shopping, shuls, parks, mosdos HaTorah, mikvah, kollelim, and more.

R’ Lazer Biner, who has partnered with developer Jeff Ackerman to make the project a reality, details the employment opportunities and mosdos at Lakefront Estates. He points out Okeechobee’s geographical advantages. Okeechobee is centrally located between Miami and Orlando, and is 1 hour from Palm Beach International Airport. There is access to both coasts and central Florida. In fact, it’s often described as the “gateway to south Florida”, making it a central location.

R’ Efraim Feder, real estate agent, discusses the advantages of the homes available, the affordable pricing, and the initiatives launched to simplify the purchasing and closing process.

Yechezkel Landau and Yechezkel Bronner, two of Lakefront’s many applicants, discuss their position, concerns, and hopes.

New Horizons at Lakefront Estates – a Roundtable Discussion (Yiddish)


It has always been the story of the heimishe community. As we grow and flourish, we branch out to new communities to sustain our communities and further expand. As we constantly search for areas with affordable housing, where the heimishe community can thrive, the search has now expanded past the tri-state area, due to the…


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