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Take a moment to click and watch the video below for a glimpse into what goes on within a day of targeted networking.

There is no stigma.
There are no exceptions.
There are no exclusions.
There isn’t just one right method.

Industry professionals share and learn as developers, contractors, property owners and specialty subcontractors find their voice in the public eye. For the orthodox Jewish community, finding a platform to leverage the success that has surrounded many of its members has been a great way to improve connections and reach out to the business contacts that truly matter.

See the connectivity.
Watch the communication.
Witness the chemistry.
Join the success.

What is OJBA?
If you don’t already know, the Orthodox Jewish Builders Association arranges guidance and networking for those in the construction and management industries. Previously dominant in Upstate NY and North Jersey, we are coming to NYC this spring.

We’re still receiving positive vibes from our OJBA Interstate Event. Along with the positivity, there were countless requests to expand our outreach.

OJBA Citywide Expo 2018 Overview

Take a moment to click and watch the video below for a glimpse into what goes on within a day of targeted networking. There is no stigma. There are no exceptions. There are no exclusions. There isn’t just one right method. Industry professionals share and learn as developers, contractors, property owners and specialty subcontractors find…


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