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Who was Devorah Mostovicz? Why is her Holocaust history so compelling? What is her lasting legacy and why does that legacy have significant relevance today? On Wednesday evening, July 27, the date of Project Witness’ premiere showing of “Devorah’s Hope,” you will learn the answers to these questions and more. The premiere viewing of this powerful masterpiece will take place at the Florence Gould Hall in New York City on July 27, and will be followed by numerous local community showings during the Nine Days. Dates and locations are to be announced soon.

#ProjectWitness has been at the forefront of Holocaust education for almost two decades. Their mission has been to educate, inspire and transform; EDUCATE the world about the kiddush Hashem of those people who under extremely difficult circumstances in ghettos and camps without money, food or clothing made still sacrificed what they had to do acts of chesed, INSPIRE the coming generations with their deeds and TRANSFORM negative opinions of the Jews in the Holocaust to positive action, generations of young Jews living the life of kiddush Hashem. This docudrama is just one facet of the many activities of Project Witness. Come and be inspired.

Project Witness Premiere of Devorah’s Hope – Trailer

Description Who was Devorah Mostovicz? Why is her Holocaust history so compelling? What is her lasting legacy and why does that legacy have significant relevance today? On Wednesday evening, July 27, the date of Project Witness’ premiere showing of “Devorah’s Hope,” you will learn the answers to these questions and more. The premiere viewing of…

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