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Pinsk has been crashed on by Kabalistic “Purim Rav” on Rosh Chodesh Adar before Purim!

The kids could not know its a prank till the last second of it. Rosh Chodesh Sameach to everyone!

About Us
Yad Yisroel, is a registered non-profit organization in the USA, England, Israel and the Former Soviet Union. Yad Yisroel is dedicated to the revival of Jewish life in the former Soviet Union, as well as assisting former Soviet Jewry wherever they may be.

Before the Holocaust, Belarus had a population of 1,000,000 Jews. The Jewish community in the region has suffered considerably in the last century, withstanding over 80% physical annihilation as well as spiritual decline under Communist rule.

Yad Yisroel was founded in 1990, at the behest and directorship of the Rebbe of Karlin Stolin, by Rabbi Shmuel Dishon and Rabbi Yaakov Shteierman in the aftermath of the Soviet Communist regime. The remnants of Jewish communities spread across Eastern Europe were in dire need of reconstruction and Jewish revival.

Rabbi Moshe Fhima, is Yad Yisroel’s local Director of Operations in the Former Soviet Union. Moshe, together with his wife Riki, arrived in 1995 with a mission, “to save the lives of Jewish children”.
Yad Yisroel fills every void in the lives of the Jewish residents; caring for the Jewish communities’ social, welfare, educational, religious, cultural and medical needs.

Thanks to the passion, vision and hard work of the Yad Yisroel emissaries, Jewish schools and community centers have been opened in Kiev, Minsk, Pinsk, Lvov and in other cities in the Ukraine and Belarus.

Today, Yad Yisroel is the leading Jewish organization in Belarus, with Pinsk as the epicenter of Jewish life in the country. Pinsk has a boy’s and a girl’s boarding school recognized as state orphanages, community outreach programs, Chesed Fund, a Yeshiva, summer and winter camps, Holocaust memorial programs , a Graduate Program and a Wedding Fund, as well as other Jewish community infrastructure.

Purim Rav in Pinsk Belarus, 5778


Pinsk has been crashed on by Kabalistic “Purim Rav” on Rosh Chodesh Adar before Purim! The kids could not know its a prank till the last second of it. Rosh Chodesh Sameach to everyone! About Us Yad Yisroel, is a registered non-profit organization in the USA, England, Israel and the Former Soviet Union. Yad…


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