The Yeshuos brought about through the koach of R’ Shayeh ben R’ Moshe has made waves around the world. Yet, when Krisztián, a Goy of Kerestir, found himself in a serious life and death situation, it was yet again the koach of R’ Shayele that wrought the Yeshuah for not another Yid, but no less, a goy!
Project L’Hisorer Told by R’ Pinny Rubinstein In Partnership with Torah Anytime
To contact R’ Pinny Rubinstein please email:
To contact Kesher Media please call: 347.750.9165
Produced by KesherMedia
Filmed by Nati Elbar
Edited by B. Ullman
Sound Mix by Gershy Schwartz
#Bodrogkeresztúr #Kerestir #קערעסטירער