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Here is Another clip Written and Directed by the legendary Actor and producer Shlomo Perl for Rav Chesed Organization in 2008

World of Chesed was established in 2005 as an outcome to a pitiful incident which occurred at a grocery checkout counter in Brooklyn, New York: Mr. S. was standing impatiently on line, waiting to pay for his purchases, while a sweet dimpled young boy was imploring by the counterman to allow him to buy a bottle of milk and a small loaf of bread on credit .(Many small groceries allow their patrons to “keep an account” and purchase on credit till a maximum limit, and pay up on a regular basis).

The grocer adamantly refused to exceed the family’s already overdrawn credit account, demanding the little child to leave his purchases on the counter…despondently this poor little boy lowered his eyes in shame, with tears trickling down his sullen face causing his sweet dimples to promptly fold into a sad crease as he dashed out the grocery store.

Mr. S. vowed at that moment that such a scene shall never repeat itself again; thus the widely renowned organization “World of Chesed” was founded to help thousands of needy families: Footing grocery and food bills, providing financial assistance, offering business consultations and debt consolidations.

Since its inception, World of Chesed has launched many vital programs to address and assist individuals and destitute families. Especially before the Jewish holiday seasons when expenses are exuberant, many families can’t stretch their already tight budgets. World of Chesed reaches out to the Brooklyn community by providing food, clothing and financial assistance. World of Chesed also lightens the load of families who simply can’t afford footing wedding expenditures or family celebrations, by supplying Simcha novelties through a specially designated Gemach.

A group of noteworthy activists manage World of Chesed’s non-profit operations by dedicating their continual time and effort for the sole purpose of providing assistance to the needy with respect. Their task is daunting. Every day encounters a new sorrowful saga, another urgent plea. The cries for help far outweigh the contributions that fortify World of Chesed’s network!

World of Chesed shoulders everyone’s burden as their personal plight. By turning to their kindhearted Jewish brethren to share their yoke; World of Chesed can continue its vital cause: “Respecting the needy with Respect”.

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Rav Chesed – Written and Directed by Shlomo Perl – 2008


Here is Another clip Written and Directed by the legendary Actor and producer Shlomo Perl for Rav Chesed Organization in 2008 World of Chesed was established in 2005 as an outcome to a pitiful incident which occurred at a grocery checkout counter in Brooklyn, New York: Mr. S. was standing impatiently on line, waiting to…

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