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שיעור בליקווד בעניין סילוק חלק בכור מירושתו

נמסר ע”י רבינו ראש הישיבה מגור שליט”א בבית המדרש “אורחות חיים” – לייקווד בהשתתפות מרן הגאון הגדול רבי מלכיאל קוטלר שליט”א ראש ישיבת לייקווד.

ליל שישי ראש חודש כסליו תשפ”ב, לייקווד – ניו ג’רזי
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לקבלת השיחות שיעורים ודרשות והמעמדים המלאים ממסע הקודש ניתן לשלוח בקשה למייל:

להצטרפות לקבוצות דבר ה’ מירושלים לקבלת כל הנ”ל :

The Gerrer rosh yeshiva from Eretz Yisroel, Rav Shaul Alter, is currently on a whirlwind trip to the United States, particularly the tri-state area, where large crowds have been greeting him wherever he has gone.

Rav Shaul arrived in the United States on Tuesday morning, welcomed by a large crowd at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

During his current trip, Rav Shaul is raising funds for his network of mosdos haTorah, while delivering shiurim and shmuessen in numerous mekomos haTorah. Rav Shaul is renowned for his brilliance in Torah and his clear, lucid delivery of his shiurim.

During his trip, he is staying at the home of R’ Meyer Melnick in Boro Park.

Rav Shaul first visited the home of Reb Willy Beer in Lawrence, NY.

On Tuesday, he visited the Gerer Yeshiva Yagdil Torah, where he gave a shiur, and the met with the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, the Bobover Rebbe, the Bobov-45 Rebbe, and the Kossover Rebbe. A kabbolas ponim held in Boro Park drew a massive crowd.

On Wednesday, Rav Shaul visited the Gerer mesivta in Boro Park that opened at the beginning of this year under his aegis. He also met with donors to his mosdos, followed by a meeting with Rav Moshe Wolfson, rov of Bais Medrash Emunas Yisroel and mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. He then delivered a shiur at the Aleksander Yeshiva of Boro and was menachem avel Rav Avrohom Schorr.

On Thursday, Rav Shaul was in Monsey, visiting the home of Leizer Scheiner and delivering a shiur at Scheiner’s shul, Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Forshay.

Rav Shaul then traveled by helicopter to Lakewood, where he first attended a kabbolas ponim and private fundraiser at the home of Mr. Elimelech Tabak on Glen Avenue South. Thursday night, he delivered a shiur to a packed crowd at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, with the participation of Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, rosh yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoha.

This morning, he is slated to attend a gathering at the home of Mr. Zevi Wolmark on Buchanan Street in Lakewood.

Rav Shaul will be returning for Shabbos to Boro Park, where large crowds are expected to join him. A large tent has been constructed at 18th Avenue and 52nd Street to accommodate the tefillos, tishen, and shiurim over Shabbos.

Rav Shaul is scheduled to remain in the United States until Tuesday, when he will return to Eretz Yisroel.

Rav Shaul, who is 64, was born in Yerushalayim, a son of the Pnei Menachem, Rav Pinchos Menachem Alter, and Rebbetzin Tziporah, a daughter of Rav Avrohom Mordechai Alter. He is named after his mother’s grandfather, Rav Shaul Moshe Zilberman.

In his formative years, Rav Shaul studied at Yeshiva Imrei Emes in Bnei Brak and afterward continued learning under his father’s guidance at Yeshiva Sefas Emes, where he was known for finishing Shas at a young age.

In 1977, he married his wife, Rebbetzin Naomi, a daughter of Rav Chaim Dov Rubinstein of Haifa. After their marriage, they lived in Haifa, where he was appointed as a maggid shiur of Yeshiva Ohr Simcha in Haifa. He also gave in-depth shiurim at Yeshiva Bais Yisroel of Ashdod.

After the passing of his uncle, Rav Simcha Bunim Alter of Ger, in 1992, his father was then appointed as Gerer Rebbe. At that time, Rav Shaul moved back to Yerushalayim.

In 1993, he was appointed as rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Sefas Emes.

After the passing of his father, the Pnei Menachem, in March 1996, his cousin, Rav Yaakov Aryeh Alter, became Gerer Rebbe.

Today, Rav Shaul leads Kehillas Pnei Menachem and its network of botei medrash and yeshivos.

His shiurim have been published in a series of seforim called Yaalkut Shiurim.

Rav Shaul Alter Shiur at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim Lakewood | ראש הישיבה מגור שיעור בלייקווד (ניו ג’רזי)

שיעור בליקווד בעניין סילוק חלק בכור מירושתו נמסר ע”י רבינו ראש הישיבה מגור שליט”א בבית המדרש “אורחות חיים” – לייקווד בהשתתפות מרן הגאון הגדול רבי מלכיאל קוטלר שליט”א ראש ישיבת לייקווד. ליל שישי ראש חודש כסליו תשפ”ב, לייקווד – ניו ג’רזי • • • לקבלת השיחות שיעורים ודרשות והמעמדים המלאים ממסע הקודש ניתן לשלוח בקשה…


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