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Representative Jerry Nadler visited the home of the revered Munkatcher Rebbe Shlita Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Rabinovich, where he was warmly welcomed by the Rebbe. The meeting served as opportunity to discuss various issues personally important to the Rebbe and to the community at large regarding criminal justice reform as it relates to the recently enacted First Step Act. The Congressman was accompanied by Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group.

The discussion also focused on a bill that Congressman Nadler was the author of that protects individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws known as RLUIPA– Religious Land Use And Institutionalized Persons Act that protect individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws that many frum communities have utilized when facing anti–Semitism.

Attending the meeting were important community leaders including: Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of Tzedek Association who was the driving force behind the efforts to ensure passage of the First Step Act, prominent Torah and chesed philanthropist Reb Avrohom Pinchas Berkowitz, community activist Rabbi Chesky Blau, Rabbi Efraim Fink of Bnos Chaya School for Girls, Tzedek activists Reb Binyumin Kramer, Reb Anchi Berko.

During the meeting the Rebbe Shlita reminisced and reminded Congressman Nadler of their relationship going back decades praising the Congressman for his “friendship to the community and always willing to listen and be of help wherever possible to our concerns”

Credit: Lenchevsky Images

Rep. Jerry Nadler Visits The Munkatcher Rebbe Shlita


Representative Jerry Nadler visited the home of the revered Munkatcher Rebbe Shlita Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Rabinovich, where he was warmly welcomed by the Rebbe. The meeting served as opportunity to discuss various issues personally important to the Rebbe and to the community at large regarding criminal justice reform as it relates to the recently…

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