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An emotional Levaya was held for three Torahs destroyed in a devastating fire at the Chabad Shul in Pomona, NY on Thursday.

Members of the community and the Shul congregation gathered to mourn the three Torahs which were burned in the early morning fire which burned their Shul to the ground on Thursday morning. The burial of the Torahs will take place in May.

MC for the event was Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald, a part-time member of the Shul, who is spearheading a fundraising campaign to help the Shul rebuild.

Speaking at the Levaya were Rabbi Naftali Marrus, one of the co-founders of the Shul, Rabbi Hamburger, who spoke about the great achdus the Shul has brought to the area, Rabbi Yossi Lowenbein, the Rabbi of the Shul, Rabbi Hershel Fish, Rabbi Ari Levitan of D. Khal Tiferes Tefillah and Rabbi Daniel Koren of 18 Forshay Shul.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson, renowned author and lecturer and Director of the Meaningful Life Center, spoke as well, with words of Chizuk and inspiration.

Following the emotional words, the writing of a new Torah was begun, by renowned Sofer Rabbi Moshe Klein.

REPLAY: Levaya of 3 Burnt Pomona Torah Scrolls


An emotional Levaya was held for three Torahs destroyed in a devastating fire at the Chabad Shul in Pomona, NY on Thursday. Members of the community and the Shul congregation gathered to mourn the three Torahs which were burned in the early morning fire which burned their Shul to the ground on Thursday morning. The…

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