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Nashir Beyachad Choir (NBC) London

The Nashir Beyachad Choir formed in 2018 catering for boys in North West London. As well as teaching the boys the inherent joys of music and song, a strong emphasis is placed on the power and beauty of singing together as a choir, with many voices blending together as one, in a spirit of Achdus, to create a sound that is both rich and resonant, uplifting and inspiring. We hope you enjoy listening to what is our first recorded song as well as watching our first music video, we have certainly enjoyed producing this special song. We pray to Hashem that many more will follow this one.

Audio Credits
Composed by: Yanki Grochovsky
Music by: Avi Kraus
Sung by: Nashir Beyachad Choir – London
Choir arranged and conducted by: Efi Klein
Mixed by: Avi Kraus
Mastered by: Ben Walik
Saxophone: Stuart Curtis
Recorded at: Mill Hill Studios
Additional recording at: Club H Studios

Video Credits
Produced by: Efi & Ricky Klein
Videographer: Dina Erlich of Raw Focus Photography
Video Editing by: Eli Netzer
Video Location: The Chapel Theatre, The Pillar Hotel, Hendon NW4

מקהלת הילדים הבריטית בניצוחו של אפי קליין בסינגל קליפ חדש, שיר חופה מרגש בלחנו של יענקי גרוכובסקי ובעיבודו של אבי קראוס

רבון כל העולמים
היום הזה הוא ראש שמחתינו
מכל ימי חיינו.

כי על כן זכינו להוליך
ביום זה את בתנו
אל חפתה עם החתן אשר יעדת לה.

על כן באתי לחנן לך
בדמעות חמות ובלב נשבר
אב הרחמים שלח ברכתך
ממרום על הזווג
של החתן והכלה
הנכנסים היום בברית הנישואים
ושלח מלאכיך הטובים
ללוותם אל החופה

Special thanks to:
Yanki & Sara Grochovsky, Jerusalem
Avi Kraus
Dina Erlich
Eli Netzer
Rafi Pinnick
Mr Benjamin Perl MBE
Eli Ollech
Shuli Ashkenazi
Yossi Finiasz
Dudi Finaisz
Yiddi Braceiner
Duddy Iczkovits of Duddy’s events
Eli, Moishi, Dov and Tsippi Klein

Nashir Beyachad Choir (NBC) London – Members
Hillel Deblinger
Izzy Emanuel
Avi Emanuel
Dovi Galinsky
Dovi Godlewsky
Yair Klein
Dov Klein
Avi Korbl
Beni Kraus
Eli Leigh
Shai Roberts
Yossi Rokach
Zevi Rosenblum
Boruch Schoeman
Moishe Sondhelm
Nosson Sorotzkin
Naftuli Stern
Yoni Vorhand
Yehuda Kagan

Email: [email protected]

Video producer:
[email protected]

Riboin – Nashir Beyachad Choir (NBC) – Music Video | מקהלת נשיר ביחד


Nashir Beyachad Choir (NBC) London The Nashir Beyachad Choir formed in 2018 catering for boys in North West London. As well as teaching the boys the inherent joys of music and song, a strong emphasis is placed on the power and beauty of singing together as a choir, with many voices blending together as one,…

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