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The Rebbe’s Magnum Opus

The Likkutei Sichos series stands as the cornerstone of the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe’s expansive Torah library. A prolific teacher, the Rebbe taught Torah in a tremendously broad manner. For over four decades, the Rebbe delivered hours-long divrei Torah during frequent public farbrengens held on Shabbos, Yom Tov, and other significant occasions. These talks, or sichos as they are known, span a broad array of Torah genres and topics and fill over 200 volumes in printed form.

Chief amongst this collection is Likkutei Sichos, or “Collection of Talks.” More than being raw transcripts of the Rebbe’s talks, these selections were prepared in essay form and submitted to the Rebbe for rigorous editing. The Rebbe personally reviewed and polished each of these sichos, ensuring their accuracy and clarity.

As a result, Likkutei Sichos comprises an authoritative collection of the Rebbe’s teachings, spanning 39 volumes and encompasses over one thousand sichos.

Likkutei Sichos stands apart as one of the most significant direct sources of the Rebbe’s Torah insights and perspectives. Unlike other texts edited by external sources, Likkutei Sichos presents the Rebbe’s teachings in their purest form, straight from his mouth and pen to the page. Discussing all areas of Torah with signature clarity, ingenuity, and compelling logic, these seforim offer unparalleled access to the Rebbe’s Torah empire. Moreover, within its pages, readers encounter not only a wealth of Torah knowledge and lomdus, but also a transformative vision for practical avodas Hashem.

Likkutei Sichos serves as a timeless repository of wisdom, guiding Jews of all backgrounds on a journey of spiritual discovery and growth, and inspiring generations to embrace the richness of Yiddishkeit with renewed fervor and understanding.

SICHAH – a Documentary by SIE

Shiezoli WHAT IS LIKKUTEI SICHOS? The Rebbe’s Magnum Opus The Likkutei Sichos series stands as the cornerstone of the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe’s expansive Torah library. A prolific teacher, the Rebbe taught Torah in a tremendously broad manner. For over four decades, the Rebbe delivered hours-long divrei Torah during frequent public farbrengens held on Shabbos, Yom…


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