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**** IMPORTANT NOTE **** All questions in this video were drawn from those submitted to Rav Braun, Dayan of the Badatz of Crown Heights, and the answers provided are based on his guidance. These questions are not simple, one-size-fits-all scenarios; many involve nuanced considerations and are widely discussed among poskim. The Shluchim were invited to share their thoughts on these complex Halachic matters, fostering an engaging and educational discussion.
It is important to note that other opinions may differ from these rulings. As with all matters of Halacha, final decisions should be made in consultation with a Rav you trust, who can consider your unique circumstances. This video is intended as a starting point for discussion and learning, rather than a definitive ruling.
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Topics Covered in the Video (in the Order the Questions Appear):
One Who Has Lost an Arm
One whose hand has been amputated should take the lulav with his right arm, meaning in his armpit or his elbow, and the esrog on the left. It does not say in the Torah that it should be taken by the hand. Taking it with the arm is still called taking, even though with reference to tefillin the Rema writes that it should be placed upon the arm without a blessing (Orach Chaim, siman 27, para. 1).
If he is not able to take it with his arm, he should take it with his teeth (Barchi Yosef in the name of Rabbi Y. Molcho – Bechorei Yaakov – subsection 18). And some authorities say that he should not take it in his teeth when he has no other way of taking it (Pri Megadim, Shaarei Teshuvah, Orach Chayim, 651:11), so he should take it without a blessing (Shaarei Halacha, vol. 3, page 205).
A Paralyzed Arm and A Bandaged Hand
It is brought down by the halachic authorities that one who is suffering from paralysis is obliged to put tefillin on the paralyzed arm if it still produces any blood (Responsa Shem Ari, Orach Chaim, siman 12). Similarly, with regard to taking the lulav, this arm should also be used for this mitzvah.