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Dovid Hamelech (King David) says in Tehilim,

הודו לה’ כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו

Praise Hashem (God) because He is good and His kindness is forever. We are obligated to spread Hashem’s (God’s) name and tell the world about His miracles every day.

Whenever you want to connect to Hashem, you can do so with gratitude! Thanking Hashem for the seemingly bad or good, will strengthen your Emunah (Belief) and change your life for the good forever! When Hashem sees that a person is grateful for every situation (even those that don’t look good in his eyes) Hashem says, “I will show you what good really is so you can thank me even more”! It then opens up a different and higher pipeline filled with an abundance of Hashpuos, miracles for himself and all of mankind.

This uplifting and amazing masterpiece, was written, composed and sung by the incredible Singer, “Meilech Singer”, with hope to bring this moving composition to people’s everyday life, Simchos, and Kumzitzin, throughout the world. Sing along and start thanking Hashem (God), Enjoy a better life experience and share with others.


Music Arranged By: Efraim Markowitz
Choir Arranged By: Chaim Meir Fligman
Composed And Sung By: Meilech Singer
Studio Recording By: Tenor Studio
Child Soloist: Yanky Singer
Choir: David Taub, Sinai Barmats, Gil Israelov
Lyrics by: Meilech Singer / Yoely Weberman
English Lyrics: Eliezer Guterman
Cover Design By: Benzion Gutter

The song was composed and dedicated exclusively for the “Thank You Hashem” community. The organization is in full swing with over 20,000 members connected via our many platforms to be able to thank Hashem publicly and spread His great name.

To Join And To follow Any Of The “Thank You Hashem”Groups, Contact:

Whatsapp: 347.941.4070
Hotline: 845.218.0005
Groupme: 929.331.7200
Email: [email protected]

For a memorable musical event contact Meilech Singer:

[email protected]

Follow Meilech Singer:


Song lyrics (Yiddish):

,הודו לה’ כי טוב, כי לעולם ,לעולם חסדו
,איך דאנק דיר איך לויב דיר הייליגער באשעפער
,כי לעולם, לעולם חסדו
,ווען איך דארף א בקשה
,אוי, עס גייט מיר שווער
,איך נעם מיר דאנקען און לויבען
,צום דעם פון אויבען
,און ווער דערהויבען
,דער באשעפער ער אליין
,עפנט אויף די שערי רחמים
,מיינע תפילות, ווערט נתקבל
,לאמיר זינגען
,לאמיר לויבען
,לאמיר דאנקען

,איך דאנק דיר איך לויב דיר השם
,איך דאנק דיר איך לויב דיר השם
,איך דאנק דיר איך לויב דיר השם
,פאר אלעס ביז יעצט
.העלף מיר אויך יעצט

Song lyrics (English):

Give thanks to Hashem, for He is Great,
His kindness endures and will never abate.

When I am in a tough time and have a request,
Or When I am pressured and majorly stressed.
I Praise and thank Hashem for everything I am blessed,
G-d will open the gates of mercy and prayers will be fulfilled best.

Let’s sing – Let’s praise
Let’s thank – with hands raised!

Thank and praise Hashem for everything that you have now,
and request for the future for whatever He will allow.

#thankyouhashem Thank You HASHEM – Meilech Singer | איך דאנק דיר השם – אלימלך זינגער


Dovid Hamelech (King David) says in Tehilim, הודו לה’ כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו Praise Hashem (God) because He is good and His kindness is forever. We are obligated to spread Hashem’s (God’s) name and tell the world about His miracles every day. Whenever you want to connect to Hashem, you can do so with…

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