Many of us reflect on how feelings and emotions can be conveyed through song.
Some begin with a melody and later connect it to a Posuk or Maamar Chazal, while others express their emotions through their own words.
But this time, being overwhelmed with emotions, I couldn’t find the right words, nor the perfect Posuk or Maamar Chazal to capture what was in my heart and on my mind.
So, I left it as it was—a pure emotion-full Nigun.
Nigun Brocho Achrita—the seventh blessing recited under the Chuppah, that embodies the overwhelming joy and heartfelt prayers for my Kallah and me as we step into a life filled with love, happiness, and unity together.
This Nigun is the melody that accompanied me as I pictured myself walking down the aisle, under my Chuppah, to marry my Eishes Chayil, with Hashem’s help, B’sha’ah Tova Umutzlachas.
Composed & Sung: Nuchem Elimelech Kornbluh
Produced: Gershy Schwarcz
Co-Produced: Isaac Paneth
Arranged: Yitzchok Kornbluh
Music: Moshe Kahana
Choir: Zingeri
Child Soloist: Chezky Markowitz
Cover Design: Aron Spielman
Title & Description: Yoily Polatseck