Here’s the promo for the upcoming film The Cobra
Throughout the past winter A new Production Came to life, Led by a Talented Master Minded Producer HM Seidenfeld, wanting to finally Produce a movie for the heimishe crowd but at a whole new level, with real professional actors, professionally written scripts and a top of the line production.
The movie was entirely filmed in Israel with experienced Israeli actors and a state of the art production team. We can’t wait to finally release the movie this Chal Hamoed, we’re sure you’re all going to love it.
The movie will be shown in the following locations:
Monsey: Pupa Hall 15 Widman Court
Boro Park: Bais Esther Hall 1353 50th Street
Lakewood: Bais Shaindel 685 River Avenue (back entrance)
Timing is as follows:
For Men:
Wednesday Night 10:30 PM
Friday 11:00 AM
Motzei Shabbos 10:30 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM
For Women:
Thursday 1:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 9:00PM