CSB story is one of triumph and resolve. It’s about remarkable people from every walk of life and field—unstoppable individuals who defy every challenge life throws at them. It’s also about an organization that rarely makes it to the headlines – in fact, you may not have heard of them. But one that is transforming lives every day in extraordinary ways.However, telling the CSB story is challenging because it encompasses so much more than a single story or narrative; it embodies and weaves together thousands of stories that are still being written daily through struggle and triumph. It’s the remarkable story of an adult with blindness who has completed Shas multiple times or an individual with ALS running a successful business despite limited physical abilities. But it also includes seemingly simpler stories that occur every day, such as a child excelling in his tests despite his inability to read thanks to resources created for him in Braille, or a physically disabled person publishing written works with the help of specialized technologies.All of these stories highlight the remarkable ways CSB has shifted the landscape of available technologies for people with disabilities over the last few decades. At the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in assistive technology, CSB ensures that those in our communities with disabilities don’t fall behind in taking advantage of them.The story of CSB began humbly decades ago when Rabbi Nachum Lehman used his computer skills to help a friend who was blind. He soon realized he had stumbled upon a mission larger than himself, recognizing the painful lack of solutions in the field of Braille and assistive technology in Hebrew, as well as solutions for Orthodox Jews who couldn’t use many of the available technologies.Two decades later, CSB encompasses a wide range of solutions for individuals with varying degrees of blindness, from developing proprietary technology solutions that support Hebrew and Yiddish to providing comprehensive support with installation and training. CSB also boasts the largest library of Seforim in Braille and publishes thousands of volumes tailored to each individual’s needs.Among the trailblazing innovations built by CSB is software that produces Braille volumes of Chumash/Rashi or Gemara/Rashi, with the main text at the top of the page and the Rashi beneath; a breakthrough version of Hebrew Braille software, featuring corresponding visible print beneath the Braille text to enable parents and teachers to follow along and assist their children/students; and the very first Braille display devices that convert the text on a computer screen into Braille in Hebrew.Thanks to its comprehensive, all-encompassing services, thousands of adults and children receive individualized solutions to help them navigate the world easily and confidently, leading fulfilling lives no matter their challenges. Thanks to CSB, children with low vision can keep up with their peers using electronic magnified print technology in the classroom; adults with blindness can keep up with their Daf Yomi with custom-made Braille Gemaras; individuals with ALS can communicate with their loved ones through advanced eye-tracking devices, and much more.It is impossible to list all the services and products CSB provides because they are as numerous as the individuals they serve. Just as every individual is unique, so are the optimal solutions for them. There is no distance CSB would not go to provide top-of-the-line solutions. As the primary producer of embossed Hebrew Braille volumes in the US, most of the CSB volumes are customized to the individual needs of each reader, who often have specific Braille-reading requirements.Besides the Seforim, Siddurim, and books in its vast library, CSB also provides weekly reading materials, such as widely distributed Jewish newspapers and magazines, so those who can’t read regular print can enjoy relaxing on Shabbos afternoon with a good story or some words of inspiration. CSB also provides children’s books designed for children or parents, each custom-designed according to need.Through all these services and products, CSB opens a world of possibilities for everyone to excel beyond limitations, overcome obstacles, and lead fulfilling lives. CSB doesn’t rest on its laurels but continually innovates with new products and solutions as technological capabilities advance, rolling out new products nearly every month.As an organization that operates mainly behind the scenes, it is now allowing the public a glimpse into its awe-inspiring operations. It is turning to the public for support to keep up its crucial work for those who depend on it. This week, a major fundraising effort is underway to help fund the costly operations and the state-of-the-art technology they provide for those in need.
August 8, 2024
Description CSB story is one of triumph and resolve. It’s about remarkable people from every walk of life and field—unstoppable individuals who defy every challenge life throws at them. It’s also about an organization that rarely makes it to the headlines – in fact, you may not have heard of them. But one that is…
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