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Thousands of Chasidic Jews pray at the grave in Poland of one of the faith’s most influential rabbis, marking the 238th anniversary of his death. Rabbi Elimelech Weisblum’s grave in southeastern Poland see Jews from across the world they pray, dance and sing at one of the most significant places in the Hasidic faith.

“Der Hilger” Rabbi Elimelach of Lizensk is of singular significance to Chasidim, merely mentioning his name brings shivers to some. In addition to his deep piety and elevated righteous status, he is also the author of the venerated sefer, Noam Elimelach – one of the principal Chasidic works, which is furthermore believed to be a powerful segulah in many areas. The annual pilgrimage of Chasidim pays homage to his towering greatness. They pray, they sing, they dance, and they worship as one in many moving ceremonies imploring for the merits of their tzaddik to be upon them as well. Many Chasidim go to great lengths as to be present to this emotionally charged event, and it is said that the Rebbi promised anyone who would visit his grave would not leave this world without teshuva.

Elimelech lived from 1717 to 1787, and became one of the most important figures in the Orthodox Jewish faith after dedicating his life to studying the Torah.

Thousands of Chasidic Jews in Poland by Rabbi Elimelach of Lizensk

Thousands of Chasidic Jews pray at the grave in Poland of one of the faith’s most influential rabbis, marking the 238th anniversary of his death. Rabbi Elimelech Weisblum’s grave in southeastern Poland see Jews from across the world they pray, dance and sing at one of the most significant places in the Hasidic faith. “Der…


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