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So many people are waiting. Waiting for so many things. Children, shidduchim, parnassah, refuos, yeshuos… We are all waiting for something. Waiting changes who we are. It makes us better people and develops our faith.

Coming this Tisha B’Av, the film we’ve all been waiting for – THE WAIT, an all new feature film by Yoel Gold, where he explores the wait; Why we wait, how we wait, and what we are really waiting for.

Join Yoel Gold for a journey into the lives of couples, singles, and our entire nation, as he takes us into their world, exploring the endurance and perseverance, the courage and transformation, the ups, downs and every day reality of waiting, and, of course, the remarkable stories along the way.

‘’What’s wonderful about this film is as you watch the stories you’ll see even though the protagonists are from different backgrounds; every story has a different kind of couple from a different part of the world even, the message is the same, the struggle overall is the same. And we’re more alike than different.’’ says Yoel.

Listen to the sentiments of hashgacha particularly in bein adam lechavero. See how when we forgive and let go, all of a sudden, miracles happen! Be inspired and learn to embrace the wait.

*Experience the story of the most embarrassing shidduch ever.

*Discover how one shidduch happened before the first date ever was.

*Gasp at how one woman’s salvation came about through the two youngest shadchanim ever.

*Hold your breath at the code-blue shidduch, and the providence that accompanied it.

Though the featured stories are so personal, the protagonists have decided to step out of their comfort zone, as they feel the urge to share their stories for they are so powerful and impactful.

Saw the sneak preview?

The Wait will stream on-demand this Tisha B’Av only on

Make sure that you’re inspired this Tisha B’Av by reserving your ticket now!

Tisha B’Av 2021: The Wait with Yoel Gold – Offical Trailer

Description So many people are waiting. Waiting for so many things. Children, shidduchim, parnassah, refuos, yeshuos… We are all waiting for something. Waiting changes who we are. It makes us better people and develops our faith. Coming this Tisha B’Av, the film we’ve all been waiting for – THE WAIT, an all new feature film…

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