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Join Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, and a host of Jewish music’s brightest stars in celebrating the conclusion of the Miracle SEfer Torah!

At the height of the pandemic, the Miracle Sefer Torah emerged as one of the most beautiful displays of achdus in recent memory.

Inspired by the now-famous story of the Baal Shem Tov, who urged his townspeople to write a Sefer Torah to stave off a local plague, the Miracle Sefer Torah brought together 304,805 Jews in a Torah expressly dedicated to the protection of the Jewish people from the pandemic. .

Tonight, the Torah will be completed and a grand Siyum celebration will ensue.

Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, Chaim Yisrael, Eli Marcus, Baruch Levine, 8th Day band, Lipa Schmeltzer, Shmuli Ungar, Shlomo Simcha and Mendy J will lift Jews everywhere out of their couches in what may be the largest Hachnosas Sefer Torah dance ever.

To join the second Miracle Sefer Torah, go to

Producer: Shneur Nejar
Program & Content Director: Dovid Weinbaum
Video Director: Shlomo Chaim Rivkin of Rivkin Media
Music: Avrumi Schreiber & The Freilach Band
Musical arrangements: Bentzi Marcus
Stage & Lighting: Jimmy Yeret of Dynamic Vision
Filming & Broadcasting : Yankee Teitelbaum & Bracha Toreneheim of Flowmotion
Design: Menachem Krinsky
PR: Bentzi Sasson & Yisrael Cohen
Stage Manager: Ilan Schnitzer
Graphics: Chaim Vaknin and Shmulik-Ben-Harush of Visual-Live
Sound: Eli Lishinsky & Stas Olshansky of Skyworks Event Solutions
Catering: Levi Feigenson of Table One
Decor: Chani Greenbaum
Photographers: Chaim Tuitou & Naftaly Marosow
Writers: Eli Block & Rabbi Moshe Greenwald
Broadcasting coordinator: Feige Benshimon

Very Special Thanks to:
David Ankary
Shmuel Brashevitzki
Shamai Chein of 321 Motion
Davidi Crombie
Shaul Dahan
Rabbi Dudi Farkash
Rabbi Menachem Gansburg
Hatzalah Divisions: Central Hatzalah – Crown Heights – Flatbush – Boro Park – Staten Island
Rabbi Moshe Klein
Mendy Kulsky
Sholom Loebenstein
Rabbi Moshe Pinson
Shimon Sabol
Rabbi Chaim Schapiro
Yuval Stupel
Levi Sudak
Rabbi Benny Wolf of Beis Rivkah
Mrs. Sarale Cohen
Ms. Chaya Friedfrtiege
Mrs. Mirele Greenwald
Mrs. Chani Junik
Mrs. Chani Kantor
Mrs. Liba Nejar
Mrs. Mica Soffer of Collive

Event sponsored by MYS BUYING GROUP –

#UnitedForProtection #MiracleTorah #LiveConcert

Trailer: Miracle Torah Completion and Celebration ft. MBD & Avraham Fried


Join Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, and a host of Jewish music’s brightest stars in celebrating the conclusion of the Miracle SEfer Torah! At the height of the pandemic, the Miracle Sefer Torah emerged as one of the most beautiful displays of achdus in recent memory. Inspired by the now-famous story of the Baal Shem…


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