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Its almost too hard to believe that a year has gone by since the last time we spent together, You were the epitome of aspiration, and what an inspiration to all whom you let into your circle, for some reason you took a special liking to me which gave me the opportunity to be able to be close to you and spend some precious times together,

There are very few words that are able to describe your being, and now as we all slowly analyze it, we marvel and wonder how you had the power and drive to accomplish many lifetimes in such a short period of time, your smile your wit your wisdom and clarity, and so we are inspired over and over again, there is a tremendous void that can’t be filled, yet you are always there, every day, Shabbos, Yom Tov they say time is a healer, but your time is different, it teaches appreciation of time, and so we continue to learn from you and are inspired to value time,

Dearest Hillel you will always be in our hearts and thoughts until such time..

This song came to me that fateful Friday afternoon… it is one of the main lessons you taught us, to be thankful to Hashem for TIME…

Uncle Shloime

יום היארצייט י”ב מנחם אב תשע”ז תנצב”ה

Music production by A berko
Brass by Danny Flam and Co.
Drums Avi Avidani
Guitar Avi Singolda
Piano and Programming Avrumi Berko
Soprano Sax Dor Asraf
Strings by the Israeli Symphony and Co.
Choir Arranged by A. Berko

Michoel Weinberger
Yossi Weinberger
Y Y Steiner
Yaakov Rotblat
Motty Rotler

Vocals Engineered by Chaim Yitzchok Goldman
Harmony and Vocals A. Berko
Mixed and masterd by A berko
Cover Design: Zelig Eiger / Final Touch
Video by: Studio62

Tzureinu – Featuring Shloime Gornish – A Berko Production


Its almost too hard to believe that a year has gone by since the last time we spent together, You were the epitome of aspiration, and what an inspiration to all whom you let into your circle, for some reason you took a special liking to me which gave me the opportunity to be able…

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