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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu attended the ceremonial lighting of the first candle of Hanukkah at the Western Wall Thursday evening, accompanied by US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

“I’ve always believed that this historic day would come. I’ve always worked for it,” Netanyahu said at the start of the ceremony following the announcement that Israel and Morocco would establish full diplomatic relations.

“I want to first thank President Trump for his extraordinary efforts to expand peace and to bring peace to Israel and the peoples of the Middle East. President Trump, the people of Israel and the State of Israel will be forever indebted to you for your magnificent efforts on our behalf.

“I want to thank, too, the King of Morocco, King Mohammed VI, for taking this historic decision to bring a historic peace between us. The people of Morocco and the Jewish people have had a warm relationship in the modern period. Everybody knows the tremendous friendship shown by the kings of Morocco to the Jewish community,” the prime minister said.

Netanyahu said that “full diplomatic relations” would resume between Israel and Morocco and that direct flights would be established between the two countries.

“This will be a very warm peace,” he declared. “The light of peace has never shone brighter than today in the Middle East

“On this Hanukkah holiday we bring a great light of the vaccines that will take us out of the corona period, and the great light of peace – today with Morocco. We have love and it will win out, we have peace and it is already winning out! Happy Hanukkah,” Netanyahu stated.

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בהתייחסות להודעת נשיא ארה״ב דונלד טראמפ על כינון יחסים בין ישראל למרוקו, בטקס הדלקת נרות חנוכה בכותל, במעמד שגריר ארה”ב בישראל דיוויד פרידמן.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks, this evening on US President Donald Trump’s statement on the establishment of relations between Israel and Morocco, at the Western Wall, at the ceremony to light the first Chanukah candle, with the participation of US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman Lights First Night Menorah at Western Wall


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu attended the ceremonial lighting of the first candle of Hanukkah at the Western Wall Thursday evening, accompanied by US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “I’ve always believed that this historic day would come. I’ve always worked for it,” Netanyahu said at the start of the ceremony following the announcement that Israel…

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