The story of Noach, which we reference on Rosh Hashanah, reminds us of how much Hashem loves us, even when the world seems to embrace everything He has forbidden. At a time when He was ready to destroy everything, Hashem still chose to save Noach, seeing the greatness in him and considering him a tzaddik. As we daven and walk the path of teshuva, we must remember that Hashem sees the good in us and loves us deeply. The more challenging our surroundings make it to cling to Him, the greater we are in His eyes when we do.
To help us get closer and in the right mindset for the Yomim Noraim, we’ve brought out this classic, “Vegam” by Moshe Goldman z”l, from the archives. Isaac Honig’s stirring vocals, backed by the Shira Choir and Mendy Hershkowitz Band, will touch your heart and help you feel Hashem’s loving embrace as we enter the New Year.
May we all be zoche to be written and sealed in the book of tzaddikim!
Composed by: Moshe Goldman z”l
Starring: Isaac Honig
Choir: Shira Choir
Music: Mendy Hershkowitz Band
Staging: Lipa Feldman
Mixed by: Sonic Duo Studios
Video filmed by: Engel Studios
Video edited by: NR Studios
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