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Avi was only seven when he watched his father being taken away. When he saw the handcuffs behind his father’s back, he broke down in tears.

In these heartbreaking situations, it is often the children who suffer the most, as they are left behind to cope with the stigma of having a parent behind bars. It was during this traumatic time that Avi, his mother, and sister joined the Aleph family.

For thousands of shattered families and their loved ones in prison, Aleph’s reminder that they are not alone and not forgotten is a priceless gift.

Aleph helped Avi’s mother secure a new job and sent Avi and his sister to summer camp. They also sent Avi to Sunday school, provided Torah lessons, and arranged a beautiful Bar Mitzvah celebration for him.

“Aleph saved my childhood and helped shape who I am today,” said Avi. “Aleph repeatedly filled in the gaps where my father should have been… I never felt deprived because Aleph helped us feel that we weren’t missing anything.”

With G-d’s help and Aleph’s unconditional support, Avi was able to transform his life. Today, he is a Sergeant in the Israel Defense Force.

“You can come from nothing and become something, if somebody believes in you, and Aleph believed in me.”

Thanks to your generosity, Aleph can continue to believe in Avi and countless children like him, giving vital assistance to them and their family members who are incarcerated. Our Project Tikvah program provides crucial intervention to adolescents who are in or facing prison as a result of mental illness or addiction, and our military division provides spiritual support to soldiers in the U.S. Armed forces.

Join us in our mission to advocate for those without a voice. Partner with our staff and volunteers, who dedicate their hearts and souls to this lifesaving work, bringing people home and lifting them up during their darkest moments.

This Chanukah, you can help us reach our goal of raising $1.8 million to fund some of our essential programs, including Family Services, Prison Visitations, Military, Advocacy, Project Tikvah, Alternative Sentencing, Education, and Reentry Services.

Be the light for those who need it most.

WATCH: Ben Brafman Discusses Those That Are Behind Bars This Chanukah

Description Avi was only seven when he watched his father being taken away. When he saw the handcuffs behind his father’s back, he broke down in tears. In these heartbreaking situations, it is often the children who suffer the most, as they are left behind to cope with the stigma of having a parent behind…

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