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Bonei Olam

Since its founding in New York in 1999 Bonei Olam has help fund treatments for couples struggling with infertility worldwide. Over 9,123 babies have now joined the ‘Bonei Olam Family’.

Bonei Olam became a household name in London since it was established in 2004. Over 65 babies have been born through our services just in Northwest London alone.

Our services include Genetic testing, Fertility preservation, High risk pregnancy care, IVF treatment and a whole lot more. We are in constant contact with doctors and professors around the world who are at the cutting edge of technology in the field of fertility. Our own NOVA CLINIC affords our couples the utmost privacy and sensitivity they need. Our counsellors are the most professional and caring who help each couple negotiate the maze of treatments and doctors through their emotional journey.

The cost of such treatments are so prohibitive that even someone who is considered ‘well to do’ simply cannot afford the costs without your help.

Shocking as may sound, we alone didn’t believe how this will explode; to sum it up just in the last 2 years alone Bonei Olam NW London spent almost £650,000 on our local couples on the other hand this has really enabled many more LOCAL couples to obtain their life long gift from Hashem, a baby of their own, giving them relief from the terrifying agony impelled by fertility issues. Together we have brought life and simcha to many local families!

How strange… for one couple it cost a fortune to have a child yet another can have it free…

Bonei Olam London have recently taken on board to assist the Gateshead Kehilla with funding treatments and training counsellors and we welcome the whole Kehilla to support the Local Gateshead Couples who need our assistance.

We have so much to be grateful for when holding our own baby in our arms, money should not be the issue when our friend, family or neighbour wish for the same.

The pain of being childless is incomparable to any other and we will never turn an embittered couple away. We will say “YES” to them because you have said “YES” to us.


A couple who did not have children for almost 20 years came to the Chazon Ish. The woman started crying bitterly, and after some time she finally said, “We are in so much pain, it’s been 20 long years, we have no children”. The Chazon Ish began to cry too. When people would ask him for help regarding childlessness, he took it very much to heart, as the Chazon Ish himself never had children. “What’s the Tachlis? What’s my goal? I wake up in the morning with the same feeling I went to sleep, and then the next day the same, no day is different than the past”, she went on and on. The Chazon Ish said to the woman “Did I take your children? Don’t I want you to have children too? Why are you coming to me with such a difficult issue?” The woman stopped and said to the Chazon Ish “Rebbe, all I’m asking you to do, is to please plea and beseech Hashem on mine and my husband’s behalf, we are 2 Yidden in pain, ask Hashem that he should give us children, He is unlimited, I’m asking you to beg Hashem for me”.

The Chazon Ish paused, and told her “We see in the Torah that children were born in the Zechus of Tefila. As it will soon be Rosh Hashona, now is a time when you can ask Hashem and plead for children”. She said “I know that, but I still want that YOU should plead to Hashem together with us that He should accept our Tefilos”. Finally, the Chazon Ish smiled and said “With the Zechus of achdus we will storm the gates of Shomayim” he gave her a warm Brochah. Needless to say, she was helped and had a child.


There are many people who show me pictures of their grandchildren, beautiful little boys, girls and some twins, I say “Riboinoi Shel Olam YES! It was all worth it”. Now, think for a second, who made this miracle happen? I’ve heard my name being mentioned so many times, I say, It’s not Schlomo Bochner! ITS YOU!!! It’s every supporter!!! I need the Zechus Horabim in Shomayim.

Over 9,000 babies were born to Klal Yisroel through Bonei Olam only because you say “How much more can I do? How can I share? How can I care?

I want to thank you again for having the trust and the faith in me and our organization, where together we can do so much good, and so much Chesed… and there are so many more who are waiting.

R’ Schlomo Bochner

The North West London Committee

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WATCH LIVE: Bonei Olam NW London Concert

Shiezoli Bonei Olam Since its founding in New York in 1999 Bonei Olam has help fund treatments for couples struggling with infertility worldwide. Over 9,123 babies have now joined the ‘Bonei Olam Family’. Bonei Olam became a household name in London since it was established in 2004. Over 65 babies have been born through our…


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