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Yitzchok Ehrlich will walk to the chupah without any of his parents. Will you be part of the simcha?

Dear Fellow Jew,

Two generations ago, Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich uplifted the Jewish world with his hartzige, geshmake songs. His works have become classics – Yakob, Matan Torah, Hillel – their lyrics are on the lips of a new generation, even seventy years after they were composed.

Now Reb Yom Tov’s grandson is getting married – and he needs you to bring a song to his lips.

Young Yitzchok Ehrlich lives a sad, lonely life. He lost his father and mother. He lost the joys of family; the innocence of childhood; the security of and love of having a father or mother. Don’t let him lose his chance to start anew.

Join Koili Shema in an emergency hachnosas kallah effort that will marry off Reb Yom Tov’s twice-orphaned grandson. Send a large donation that will give him new life.

Six years ago, Yitzchok’s life was idyllic. His parents filled their home with yiras shamayim, joy, and song. Then Yitzchok’s mother got sick. For three years, she battled cancer, until, after a grueling battle, she succumbed.

Her children were orphaned – but they were not alone.

Reb Moshe rallied his yesomim and infused them with emunah. In the year after his wife’s passing, he married off four children. Although fifteen year old Yitzchok missed his mother terribly, he strengthened himself, finding great comfort in his studies.

Then his father passed away.

Just a year and a half after his wife’s petirah, Reb Moshe Ehrlich was niftar, after a short, wrenching battle with cancer.

Yitzchok was left alone – a heartbroken orphan with no father or mother.

There is nothing to turn the stone walls of his once-lively apartment into a home. He walks up and down the tiny kitchen, alone with his memories of his mother whispering Tehilllim and his father learning or playing the accordion. He lives hour by hour, day by day; putting one foot in front of the other, immersing himself in his Gemara to find the only comfort in his life.

Now he is getting married.

Like Yakob in his zeide’s famous niggun, he is escaping – he is finding his way out of the tears and the pain, to establish a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel. The wedding is scheduled to take place in four weeks.

But Yitzchok has nothing!

There is no one to marry him off. He is bearing the burden of paying for the wedding on his own. As things appear right now, not only will he walk to the chupahwithout his dear parents, he will somehow have to make it there with no money.

Dear fellow Jew, please help! Koili Shema is making the wedding arrangements and buying Yitzchok everything he needs – as funds become available. Your help is crucial! We must raise tens of thousands of dollars this week.

There is almost no Jew that hasn’t been touched by Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich’s songs. He instilled yiras shamayimand joy into countless hearts around the world. Now you can bring joy to his grandson.

You can also bring joy to the Avi Yesomim. When you help marry off this chosson who has no father or mother, you partner with the Almighty Father of Orphans, Who guarantees in the Torah Hakedosha that those who help His children will be blessed. “אם אתה משמח את שלי אני משמח את שלך.”. Your reward will be very great.

I will be looking out for your donation.

Menachem Shmiel Dachner Mordechai Levy
Koily Shema

P.S. Many people seek out an orphan to marry off, as a segulah for refuos, yeshuos, and hatzlacha; or as a source of blessing in their own simcha. Yitzchok is a double orphan. The zechus of marrying him off is very great.
If you wish to play a larger role in this hachnasas kallahcampaign,
please call Koili Shema at 646-246-5032

Yitzchok Ehrlich’s Journey – A Heartfelt Plea


Please Donate Yitzchok Ehrlich will walk to the chupah without any of his parents. Will you be part of the simcha? Dear Fellow Jew, Two generations ago, Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich uplifted the Jewish world with his hartzige, geshmake songs. His works have become classics – Yakob, Matan Torah, Hillel – their lyrics are…

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