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“א גוטע הארץ”

We are once again privileged to get another album by the one and only Yonesen Schwartz

Yonesen, is known for his talent and his Yiddish Gramen that penetrates straight into everyone’s heart and soul, Thousands across the globe young and old are glued and inspired by his music and since he started singing 25 years ago with his unique style people are just begging for more, Well it is finally here

R’ Yonesen is know’n to be michazak so many Jews in hospitals and jails across the country and share his talent with so many people that are yearning for his warm songs.

This release is his 8th album and it includes 10 songs all written By himself, the one particular song that stands out is the song that he wrote during the shiva of Leiby Kletzky z”l and sang it to the Kletzky family on Shabbos, and it will inspire. everyone. Each and every song is a master piece that you will listen to over and over again

The music and production was arranged by Naftali Schnitzler.

Yonesen Schwartz Album Preview | ר’ יונתן שווארץ – א גוטע הארץ

“א גוטע הארץ” We are once again privileged to get another album by the one and only Yonesen Schwartz Yonesen, is known for his talent and his Yiddish Gramen that penetrates straight into everyone’s heart and soul, Thousands across the globe young and old are glued and inspired by his music and since he started…


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